Just Life | It's never too late

I was cleaning through my last college backpack and found these cards stuffed in there. The first one I pulled out was my Uncle's. I never really think too much about what he says or have taken it to heart, but reading it at that moment something really struck me. "... Enjoy your life. It's never too late. Go make yourself happy. Have great dreams... " It made me sit there and think and wonder if he feels like it had been too late for him.He's disabled, and has to live with us and stay home all day and there have been times when he mumbles about being stuck and that it's too late for him. But as he wrote, it's never too late. Reading it made me feel like I need to go and do something, the thing I dream and I have to have great dreams because I am able to. It made my heart turn for him, and also made me scared because maybe I do feel like it's already too late and maybe I'm not as happy as I could be making myself. Don't get me wrong t...