Materials of 2018 | March
Here's to another month! Updates on the items I bought in February ( typed up on 4/24/2018 ) Goodwill haul: I have worn the back pack, jeans, and blue slacks. I have not yet worn the twins shirt, Hawaiian shirt, or altered the white T-Shirt. I did find a stain on the white shirt though. Walmart haul: I've used up the wipes already and should buy more next month. Orchid still hasn't bloomed, but a tiny new leaf is growing. Kohl's haul: I haven't worn the earrings or the hat yet... Goodwill #2 haul: I was able to wear the heels to a wedding a couple weekends ago, but I'm still waiting for better weather to wear the shorts and brown shoes. Mall haul: I've probably worn all of the undies. I don't remember where I put the tiny lotion...but it's gotta be somewhere in my room unused still. I haven't tried the Glam mini items. The CC It cosmetics foundation is alright, it might be too light for my skin. I've decided that I'...