Just Life | 2016 in Review

2016 was quite a year (like most years are). There were achievements and failures, high times and low, but at the end when you look back on it, it was all pretty good. I began the year at Urbana with lovely people! It was the first time not spending the first hours of a new year with my family. In January, I also lost my wallet (and had also lost my phone at the end of 2015 while Christmas shopping) and from that I got my identity stolen because since I was job hunting I had my Social Security card in it. After a few months the police eventually caught the person who had my driver's license, which I was very much thankful for! Getting my identity stolen was definitely a hassle and very annoying to have to deal with as I was just getting out of college. Overall, January was full of job hunting, going to interviews, and relaxing in the way I relax (which is keeping myself busy). In February, I started my first job after college! I visited Washington D.C. and got to meet good...