Just Life | New Year New You 2017!
My New Year resolutions:
1. Learn more Hmong. Be able to at least understand most conversations.
2. Find what I want to do. This goes along with job satisfaction.
3. Pay more of my loans off than last year, so more than $8,200.
4. Read more. I'm not sure how many books I read in 2016, but my goal for 2017 is at least five books.
5. Do more of what I enjoy. This is kind of basic, but I want to take time this year to do things I enjoy like writing, drawing, and traveling. Last year I think the only traveling I did was to Disney World in the summer, random trips to Wisconsin, and the family camping trip in Iowa, which can barely be called traveling haha. I want to spend at least an hour every week writing or drawing though and then travel to and explore at least five different states this year.
6. Organize and tidy. I recently read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and it was very inspiring! I'd love to tidy up my life and with that hope to find some direction in my life.
7. Spend less on materials. This some what goes with my goal above. I've always wanted to become more minimal. That means getting rid of those things in my space and life that don't bring me joy and keeping and buying only the things that I need and find happiness in.
8. Keep fit. I've been doing pretty well on staying fit in 2016 and working out 3-5 times a week. In 2017, I want to continue this habit and would love to see more progress!
9. Get my passport. I really want to get my passport this year. I'm not getting any younger and passports last 10 years. I'm already 23 and I for sure want to travel out of the country before I'm 33 years old (at least Canada!). I also really want to travel out of the country for my honeymoon... whenever that time comes haha.
So with all these resolutions made, I guess we'll see where 2017 takes us! I almost put Purchase a car on the list, but that one was checked off on January 2nd! It's the very first car I'm financing myself without my parents, so it's a big step for me (more debt to pay off each month! lol).
I got a Toyota Rav4, and it has a third row (which really sold me lol). It was a hard debate between this or a Subaru Forester/Outback, but I guess this Rav4 got me.
The first selfie coming in to the new year of 2017! It was the first new years we spent together in the 4 years we've been dating, and it was quite the low key one. lol 😂 Happy new year everyone!
Let's go 2017! 🎉️
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