Just Life | 10 Questions to Reflect on for the past year

This is kind of late, but better late than never! This was inspired after watching the Youtuber, Vagabond YouthI watched the video back in January, but have been meaning to write down my answers somewhere.
Goodbye 2017! 

1. Where were you this time last year? 

Last year for new years, I went to Kong's house, I had bought some bottles on my way to his house from work. I put a bottle of wine in his mini fridge and had put it in a way where it rolled out of the mini fridge and shattered. It was such a mess. We had planned to go to his uncle's for new year's, but we accidentally fell asleep. We woke up 15 minutes before new years to watch the ball drop and then went back to bed. Also on Valentines day last year, well Kong knows what happens.

2. Where are you now?

This year for new years, we made it to Kong's uncle's house. And it was a fine, grand time until the end. The beginning of this year also brought a new position for me at my work place, that I am so grateful for. It's the perfect job for me and something I can definitely see myself doing in the long run. My youngest uncle also moved in with us mid-January. It's been awesome! Since it's nearing the end of February, I'll also mention Valentines again- well we tried something new haha.

3. If you could describe the year in three words, what would they be?

Struggle, renewed, enlightened.

4. What are you grateful for?

My job and the company I work for. The atmosphere is something I'm really grateful for, and to work with such chill people.

5. What goals did you accomplish?

Renewal, that was my word for 2017, and I feel like I really did accomplish this through out the year. The year had it's ups and also many downs, but at the end, I now feel fresh. Like the grass after a huge storm, cleansed and renewed. My written goals weren't specific, but I did do more of what I loved in 2017 than in 2016. I drew more, took more photos, read more books, and made it a habit to work out regularly. I also got a promotion, so job satisfaction was also accomplished!

6. What goals did you not accomplish?

There were many goals I did not accomplish. I didn't read as many books as I would have liked to. I didn't get my passport. I didn't work towards learning Hmong as much as I wanted to. I did start Tidying up, but not as much as I wish to see. I also think I spent more on materials in 2017 than 2016. If you're curious, here are my last year goals: New Year New You 2017.

7. What brought the most joy in 2017? (What were your highlights)

When I think back on 2017, all that comes to mind are the numerous camping trips I went on with Kong. The first one was to Taylor Falls; we went hiking. The next was with a triple "couple" fishing trip with Andy and Chor. That was the first time I really hung out with them. The next one was one with a much larger group, we got into a huge argument on the way down and almost didn't go. And then at the end of the day we ended up coming home at like 4 am because of too many things that went down. I can't remember if we went on another trip, we did also go canoeing at Taylor Falls, that was pretty fun too.

Standing Stones was amazing as well. I haven't gone there since I was 16. It was so nice to be so engulfed with the atmosphere for a week and growing closer to the young adult ladies at my church.

8. What new habits have you acquired?

I started a bullet journal, which I've always kept a planner in the past but I feel like now there is an actual process and I can capture other peoples concepts on how they plan. There are so many bullet journal youtube videos and they have definitely sparked inspiration in me to be more a person of habit and work towards my goals.

9. What old habits are you leaving? (How do you want to evolve of grow?)

I want to get out of the habit of thinking and doing too much for my current relationship. It should be a two way street and I need to start thinking more for myself again. We have one life and everyone deserves to be happy. I also want to leave behind spending a lot of money. This has definitely became a bad habit. I think it started in October during Halloween shopping season.

10. What do you want to achieve in 2018? (What ares do you want to focus on?)

My biggest goal I want to achieve is learning more Hmong. This year I have made all of my goals very specific and hopefully attainable! I made them as some would put it "SMART" goals. For the full list of my goals this year, check out My 2018 Year Goals. My overall goal of course is to just be happy at the end of the year. I hope to have done many things that I enjoyed. Hope to be on track with all parts of my life, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. 

My theme for this year is Stability. To spend more time thinking about where I'm at, rather than comparing where I'm at to where I could be. Progress is my own. I want to be content and stable with what I have and stop comparing it to what I could have. I want my time here to be meaningful to those who closely surround me. I want them to know that I love them. I ended the year last year reading The Five Love Languages, and it has really made me want to strive to figure out other people's love languages, especially those I care about most and to really try to cater to them and know how to love others as they feel loved.

I hope that I continue reflecting on these questions year after year, I'm excited to look back at this in 2019 and see where this year takes me!


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