My Firsts | Dreamcatcher
I believe dreams are the most wondrous things. They let you feel like you are in a different reality. My favorite dreams are the ones where the world is ending and the world is chaotic. It feels like your in a dramatic movie and really experiencing .
I've had this dreamcatcher since probably third or fourth grade, and it's still with me at college. I remember my parents buying it for me when we took a "huge" family vacation (and I say huge because we went with my dad's family and so it was 1 RV with about 20 people) to Yellowstone and we passed through Mount Rushmore where they bought it. I thought the dreamcatcher was the up most coolest thing ever; having this little Native American gadget to catch my bad dreams. Ever since, I've just loved dreamcatchers.
Here is my first dream catcher on my apartment window now.
Happy dreams welcomed. :)
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