Food | A Quick Breakfast Sandwich

This sandwich has been my life saver so far this semester. Pretty much every morning I can fall back on this wonderful breakfast. It's just simply whole grain wheat bread, almond butter (Peanut butter is just as good), hazelnut spread (Nutella, or in my case JIF brand because I'm on a budget and why not try something a little different), and then bananas (if I have some). This is such a quick and easy make and walk out the door breakfast, especially for those running-late-to-class moments which is almost everyday for me. It's tasty! And in some way healthy:
Whole Grain Wheat Bread benefits:
Whole grains is a high-fiber food. As an adult, we need about 25 to 35 grams of fiber everyday. Whole grains contains two types of fiber-soluble and insoluble-which are both very health beneficial. The fiber can help in having healthy digestion and bowel movement. It also helps with lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Whenever I have the choice of different breads to get, whole grain wheat always seems to be the better option.
Almond Butter benefits:
Almonds of course has a different taste than peanuts. If you like almonds, you'll love almond butter! The almond butter I have has almond bits in it, and it's quite delicious. Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, which helps keep your skin looking great by being an excellent antioxidant and getting rid of toxins in your body. Almond butter, like peanut butter, is an excellent source of protein and is filled with monounsaturated fat. Protein is crucial for the regeneration and repairing of body tissues. This is especially good for those who work out a lot since protein takes longer to digest it provides a steady source of energy during long workout sessions. It contains less amounts of salt than peanut butter and is found to be more heart-healthy with its' higher iron content.
Other ways to use it: Spread on sliced fruits such as apples, bananas, or strawberries. Add almond butter to a fruit smoothie for a perfect tonic drink. You can also add it to a protein shake for even more of an energy booster.
Hazelnut spread benefits:
Hazelnut spread can add more fiber to your diet because of the hazelnut content it contains. Hazelnut may also provide heart healthy benefits. It has also been found in studies that eating 30 grams of hazelnuts everyday for fours weeks leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels. The spread also contains protein, calcium, and iron. Calcium is needed for healthy bones and teeth. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and also helps your immune system.
Of course, being as sweet as it is, it still isn't the healthiest food on the block and contains high amounts of sugar. Spreading this product sparingly is all you need to get the sweet taste of chocolate goodness!
Other ways to use it: You can also spread it on sliced fruits such as apples, bananas, or strawberries. In addition to the benefits of the hazelnut spread, you will also get a good dose of fiber and vitamins from the different fruits. Stir the spread into calcium- and protein-rich plain yogurt.
Bananas benefits:
Being a natural fruit, bananas have so many benefits. Everyone knows that bananas are high in potassium which can lower blood pressure, protect against heart attacks, and make you become more alert before big tests! It regulates your blood sugar and relieves anemia with the iron it contains. Bananas are high in vitamin B6 which aids in weight loss, reduction of swelling, strengthening the nervous system, and producing white blood cells. It also aids in digestion being rich in pectin and fiber. Bananas also have a happy-mood brain neurotransmitter--tryptophan which converts into serotonin-- that helps you become happier and overcome feelings of depression as well as being a stress-reliever.
Eating two bananas before a strenuous workout allows you to maintain energy, sustain your blood sugar, and protect yourself against muscle cramps throughout the session. They also go wonderful in any smoothie! Though the taste of bananas do have a tendency of overpowering other flavors.

Let your tastebuds and your body enjoy! :)
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