The month of February has been quite eventful! Well...I guess not quite, but I got my first job out of college! And well...I guess I've realized that having a job takes up a lot of time. I began this month with accepting an offer and getting a nice free week off from worrying about job searching or actually working. The month continued on with going out of town for my job training.
Traveling essentials ;)
How I spent time in my hotel room |
In front of the White House |
The Pentagon from up top |
And at the end of it, I was wishing I was back in...
I was back just in time for Valentine's Day to spend with my man.
I also got to enjoy February with a few more things, like...
enjoying the view from my work space. |
Wearing sweats for Frumpy Friday at work. |
National Margarita day. |
National Chili Day |
I ended the month with great Minnesota weather (55 degrees, IN FEBRUARY!) and celebrating my birthday with...
A sister dinner date at Hola Arepas in Minneapolis. |
Leap day was then spent with my lovely boyfriend; playing ping pong, watching cartoons, and eating pasta. It's been quite the February!
Thank you February for always being quick and awesome! ❤︎ ❤︎
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