
Showing posts from 2016

Just Life | It's never too late

I was cleaning through my last college backpack and found these cards stuffed in there. The first one I pulled out was my Uncle's. I never really think too much about what he says or have taken it to heart, but reading it at that moment something really struck me. "... Enjoy your life. It's never too late. Go make yourself happy. Have great dreams... " It made me sit there and think and wonder if he feels like it had been too late for him.He's disabled, and has to live with us and stay home all day and there have been times when he mumbles about being stuck and that it's too late for him.  But as he wrote, it's  never  too late. Reading it made me feel like I need to go and do something, the thing I dream and I have to have great dreams because I am able to. It made my heart turn for him, and also made me scared because maybe I do feel like it's already too late and maybe I'm not as happy as I could be making myself. Don't get me wrong t...

Just Life | Something lingering my mind

This question has been bugging me, tapping on my brain whenever there's free time on hand. It makes my mind run far away from where it is trying to get to where it wants to be. But for those who are lost, when was it that we stopped chasing after our dreams? When was it that we decided that it was unobtainable? It's so far now that I can't even remember what my dream or passion was. What is my purpose now? I had a conversation the other day with one of my colleagues, and he mentioned that he found his purpose in life was to help people. I also want to help people, but to narrow it down, I want to help people find the beauty within herself or himself. But is that my passion and dream? My purpose? I think about what parents dream their kids to be. I'm sure every parent dreams that their kid will have a passion and will pursue it with his or her whole heart. It makes me wonder if my parents can see that I'm lost, and haven't found my passion or didn't follo...

Beauty | Stylenanda Haul

Stylenanda advertised their free worldwide shipping on any purchase on Instagram last week and I just couldn't resist myself from buying something. I've been wanting to try their products ever since I heard about the company last year. I decided to get some of the basics:        Some sunnies, earrings, lip stain, nail polish, and brow liner. I'm already loving all of the products! The sunglasses fits asian faces very well and feel really sturdy. The lip stain goes on nicely and the color pops out immediately! It's a different sort of applicator than I'm use to, but it's really nice. The color Obsessed is the perfect shade of red for my skin tone. It's long lasting and barely smudges. I've been seeing this type of earring all over social media, so I'm excited to wear them out. I feel like they are simple and elegant, yet edgy.    The nail color is so pretty. The picture below is with only one coat on and that is all that...

Beauty | Korean products

Last week I went out to the Hmong market in town and the Korean lady sucked me into buying her products. She's so sweet, but also aggressive. I ended up spending way more than I planned to but thought I would share my buy. I've been meaning to look into better skin care anyways being that I've been getting comments on my already-appearing eye wrinkles. So she sold me on basically a whole skin care routine: DeoProce Natural Perfect Solution Black Sugar & Honey Power Core DeoProce Aloe Vera Oasis Toner and Emulsion/Moisturizer Estheroce Whitening & Anti-Wrinkle Power Eye Cream So far, I am liking these products. We'll see if there are actual anti-wrinkle results. The face mask was just something extra that she gave me. I've been trying to get into a habit of a morning and night "Korean" routine that I found on some page when I Googled "Korean skin care routine". Morning Routine: Rinse face with water  Apply Toner ...

My Firsts | Mirrorless camera

One of my favorite things in the world is getting a new camera, throughout the past years I have had numerous cameras. I finally decided to invest in a mirrorless camera! My choice was the Olympus Pen e-pl7 and I couldn't be happier with it so far! I still need to learn the ins and outs of it, but so far I'm loving it. In addition to the camera kit , I also purchased the 45 mm f 1.8 lens. Here are some quick snaps from my driver seat mirror: Better pictures to come :)

Quotes from a book| Some of my favorites from The Alchemist

The Alchemist was quite a read. It keeps you engaged throughout the entire book, and the meaning behind every part is so great. Here's a glimpse of The Alchemist: "It's a book that says the same thing almost all the other books in the world say...It describes people's inability to choose their own Personal Legends And it ends up saying that everyone believes the world's greatest lie." "The world's greatest lie...It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie." - page 18 "There is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth." - page 22 "The Soul of the World is nourished by people's happiness. And also by unhappiness, envy,...

Just Life | The feeling of Spring

Knowing it’s almost summer Knowing you’re almost free Free from the tangles of coats The cold winter sting. Now walking outside feels like a dream The blossoms of trees The smell of the breeze The touch of the grass on your fingertips The temperature of the concrete on your feet. And though it rains Afterwards the world feels so clean The shining sun The clear air after the fog The light reflections in the sky Even the people seem more bright Waking up to Spring is just the most wonderful, inspiring thing. -CSV.  

Just Life | Any other way

I couldn’t imagine it any other way. Am I content? I’m not sure. I feel that there’s so much more. Too much more. Time is eaten by all these events and activities But what do I want to do. What is there for me to do. What more can I do than these everyday life activities. I feel trapped But free. Free in this trap I’ve created. I’m getting eaten by the bills, the people, the environment. Do I have the power to change anything. I do But will I? No I’m unsurely content. In life is order And this is part of the order of life. I couldn’t imagine it any other way. -CSV

Beauty | March ULTA Haul

I always get dragged into stores by their coupons. ULTA sends you 3.50 off of a $10 purchase coupon monthly and so of course I go there with intentions of just getting things I know I need and would get at Target or Walmart anyways. I purchased the Cetaphil daily facial cleanser I've been wanting to try and a peel-away clay mask. Since I've recently stopped taking birth control pills, my hormones have been reacting and I've been getting pimples all over so I thought I would focus on my face. Cetaphil daily facial cleanser. This product is very soft on the skin. I feel like it isn't doing too much for my skin though. I might just be too use to having a cleanser that is also an exfoliant so it feels like it's not doing as much as my old cleansers. I probably won't be re-purchasing this product. Freeman's Sweet Tea & Lemon Peel Away Clay Mask . I really like this product, even though the peel comes off flimsy and light so you're not really able ...

Just Life | Happy Leap Year!

The month of February has been quite eventful! Well...I guess not quite, but I got my first job out of college! And well...I guess I've realized that having a job takes up a lot of time. I began this month with accepting an offer and getting a nice free week off from worrying about job searching or actually working. The month continued on with going out of town for my job training. Traveling essentials ;) How I spent time in my hotel room In front of the White House The Pentagon from up top    And at the end of it, I was wishing I was back in... I was back just in time for Valentine's Day to spend with my man.  I also got to enjoy February with a few more things, like... enjoying the view from my work space.  Wearing sweats for Frumpy Friday at work.  National Margarita day.  National Chili Day I ended the month with great Minnesota weather (55 degrees, IN FEBRUARY!) and celebrating my birthday with.....

Food | Overnight Oats

This is my absolute favorite way to eat oats! Overnight oats make a healthy and quick breakfast alternative. Oats are a great source of dietary fiber, which lowers level of bad cholesterol. There are so many more other health benefits of eating oats! Overnight oats is also very adjustable in making changes to the ingredients so it's just the way you like it! Additionally, it's very fast to prep for tomorrow's breakfast and cheap. Here's how I enjoy making my overnight oats! Ingredients:  1/2 cup of Rolled oats 1 small container of Yogurt 1/2 cup of Almond milk Pinches of Ground cinnamon Directions:  1. For overnight oats, you will need rolled oats. Fill up your container with about 1/2 cup of rolled oats. I'm using a mason jar that has helpful measurement marks on the side of the container. 2. For liquid, I am using unsweetened almond milk, but you can also use normal milk, sweetened almond milk, or even water. I fill it up to measure out about the sa...