Just Life | New Year, New You
The saying goes, "new year, new you". This year, this saying is especially true being that I am now graduated from college and living back at home. It's going to be weird when February rolls around and I don't have to go back to Eau Claire and attend classes. I now have endless hours with my siblings, and I'm now only 30 minutes away from a car ride to my boyfriend. I also now have to find a job in order to begin paying off all my college loans (and my credit card). Along with that, I have to find a position I enjoy and would give me stability throughout the start of my career. I feel like I have forgotten how to interview and all the answers I have for those repetitive questions. Today I applied to three positions at three different companies. I also received a call from a company I applied to two or three months ago. Beginning life after college feels exhausting, but also exciting! I'm excited to learn new things when I begin a position, and I'm excited to live with my family 24/7 again.
My goals this year:
- Be able to hold a conversation in Hmong
- Obtain a well-standing, stable job
- Start handling my own finances (Bills, tax returns, etc.) and spend less on material items
- Read more (I read pretty much one or two books last year.)
- Live in the glory of God
In my eyes, these goals are realistic and obtainable. I am quite excited for this new year to continue on. Life is so unknown and always holds surprises. Thank you 2015 for all that you had to offer with new and old experiences.

P.S. I will never forget when my grandma came into my apartment after my graduation and she was so thirsty. She found a water bottle in my fridge I think and asked my if she could drink it. I had no clue I even had a water bottle, but I told her to go ahead and drink it. She took a swig and made a face, saying in Hmong "This is not water!". My face fell, I remembered how I had poured some cheap Phillips vodka in a water bottle to put the good Sobieski vodka in the other bottle. I ran to my grandma saying sorry and he breath smelt of straight-up vodka. I felt horrible and also so embarrassed. I couldn't stop thinking about how my grandma and parents probably think I'm some alcoholic. But my dad just said, "well they are over 21". I am anxious for the stories 2016 will have.
My goals this year:
- Be able to hold a conversation in Hmong
- Obtain a well-standing, stable job
- Start handling my own finances (Bills, tax returns, etc.) and spend less on material items
- Read more (I read pretty much one or two books last year.)
- Live in the glory of God
In my eyes, these goals are realistic and obtainable. I am quite excited for this new year to continue on. Life is so unknown and always holds surprises. Thank you 2015 for all that you had to offer with new and old experiences.
P.S. I will never forget when my grandma came into my apartment after my graduation and she was so thirsty. She found a water bottle in my fridge I think and asked my if she could drink it. I had no clue I even had a water bottle, but I told her to go ahead and drink it. She took a swig and made a face, saying in Hmong "This is not water!". My face fell, I remembered how I had poured some cheap Phillips vodka in a water bottle to put the good Sobieski vodka in the other bottle. I ran to my grandma saying sorry and he breath smelt of straight-up vodka. I felt horrible and also so embarrassed. I couldn't stop thinking about how my grandma and parents probably think I'm some alcoholic. But my dad just said, "well they are over 21". I am anxious for the stories 2016 will have.
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