Tech | Favorite apps of 2015
My Main Screen |
1. TwoDots: This game has literally become my life, well at least for when I'm either bored, stressed, need to concentrate, or sometimes before I sleep. It's simple with connecting the dots and kind of has a bejeweled-feel, but the games keep things interesting with adding new "powers" or features to the game that makes you want to keep playing to see what new powers will be next. When I lost my phone, this game was one of the first apps I downloaded and I was so glad to see I didn't lose my progress. Thank you TwoDots makers for keeping it interesting!
2. Camera connect and GoPro Cam Suite: I love that cameras have these bluetooth connectivity features now and that, of course, "there's an app for that." The GoPro Cam Suite is really nice for being able to view what your GoPro views, especially when it's on the monostick. There is also an actual GoPro app, but it seems to lag more and it's not as quick as the GoPro Cam Suite. The GoPro App does connect you more with others who use and upload videos from their GoPro though if you're about that social life.
The Canon Camera Connect bluetooths perfectly to my Canon Powershot SX510, and I'm able to download pictures onto my phone straight away from my camera. This is wonderful getting better quality pictures on my phone for Instagram or Facebook quickly.
In the PumpUp App |
4. VSCO cam and PicsArt:VSCO cam is pretty much life-changing for editing your pictures. The filters are perfection and they make navigation so user-friendly. My favorite filters have to be ACG, C1, F2, and HB2; it really depends on the photo though. The fade, exposure, and tint features are also constantly used for me.
PicArt is very useful! I constantly use it for collage, cropping, squaring a photo, and photo blending. It has so many neat features. If VSCO cam and PicArt became one, it would be the ultimate photo app!
I have recently discover Snapseed, and I really like it! But for only one feature, the ability to brighten just certain parts of the picture by using the snap feature.
5. Shazam: During my internship last summer I pretty much spent half the time in my car. Shazam was my savior when I heard a good song on the radio and wanted to download it later. It's quick and simpler, and saves your music list nicely for review later on when you are able to download it. I've also been trying to find a good music downloader app, but I have not yet found one that has a good selection of music and also no ads.
Those were my favorites from 2015! Let's see what new apps 2016 may bring :)
P.S. LG G2 Review: I've been really enjoying the LG G2. LG allows the user a lot of flexibility with how the interface looks like, which I really enjoy! The bottom bar has the ability to be edited by the user, so I put the back (triangle) button near the right since I'm right-handed and I constantly go "back". I also got a quickWindow case for it and I really like it so far! You can get quick updates. You don't have to open the case to answer the phone, and I dislike having the phone screen on my face when I talk to the phone, especially when it starts getting warm, so not having to open the case feels a lot better on my cheek.
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